Hello everyone. I'm about halfway through the course and just finished the video on fearful body language. Not getting into my larger challenges with dexter I just had a question the diagram made me wonder about. He knows when I am getting ready to go somewhere and 98% of the time, he goes in his kennel before I even tell him to. His body language when he does is either crouched or cowering. It's generally the same if I tell him to go to his kennel when I leave. He moves slowly and even sits/lays down slowly. Is he fearful of something in those instances? He doesn't fight being in there, doesn't bark or push to get out and is usually waking up from a nap when I get back. Anyone experience something similar? (Dexter is not an easy going dog that meets friends every where. He has a small number of people in his group and exhibits a lot of high arousal - due to fearfulness.
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Managing Arousal Discussion Forum
Publicยท620 members
- Kellianne kewolff24@gmail.com
- sandra Johnson
It sounds like stress to me! Try adding scatters at that time in the kennel to help him thru it!